Don't encourage witch hunts against anyone. No abuse, harassment, racism, xenophobia, hate speech, discrimination, flame-baiting, trolling, nor general assholery. No abuse, harassment, witchhunting & assholery. If posting NSFW material, tag it NSFW. Having a witty related caption or title is not enough and it must contain a vehicle or element from the game. Memes must be clearly visually relevant to War Thunder. Note that memes visible during the non-meme days, but posted during meme days will not be removed. Memes may only be posted on meme days. Must be relevant to War Thunder in terms of time frame and purpose.
Must be flaired with the SUGGESTION flair. If your suggestion is there already, don't post it again. If for a vehicle suggestion, please first refer to the updated list of previously suggested vehicles. Posts made to promote other games will be removed. Posts of history entirely unrelated to War Thunder should be posted instead to /r/history, /r/aviation, /r/WWIIplanes, /r/AirCraftPorn, /r/TankPorn, etc. This means just having a witty related caption or title is not enough. Posts with "clickbait" titles will be removed.Īll content should be clearly relevant to the game of War Thunder and its vehicles. If your submission has an unclear title you should submit a top-level comment explaining the content.
r/WarThunder aims to make its content clear from a quick glance.
Visual representations of lootboxes are banned. This is understood to include multiple posts by different users about the same topic Submitting low-effort posts of any kind in quick succession will lead to post removals and may lead to a ban. If submitting multiple videos/gifs/images, post them in a single text post with descriptions for each item. Posts made within an hour of each other will be removed. Users are limited to two posts for any given 24-hour period. It is not a catch-all flair for jokes and satire.ĭon't spam /r/WarThunder. individual screenshots or minor discoveries. The DATAMINE flair is for substantive datamining posts. It is intended only for official War Thunder news from Gaijin sites and sources. Unflaired posts don't get an upvote button and incorrectly flaired posts may be removed. Your account must be 3 days old to comment and at least 30 karma to post here.įlair your post appropriately after submitting. Submit a link Submit text post Please activate this subreddit's custom style for access to extra functionality such as content filtersįor Sim mode, visit r/WarthunderSim! Rules #WAR THUNDER GE SALE HOW TO#
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Enter the code received after the purchase. Golden eagles are instantly credited to your account upon activation War Thunder promo code.Ĥ. Promo code makes it possible to enroll between 100 - 200,000 golden eagles at the expense of your account.
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